Register now! ICA Certified online CPTED Training (6 weeks 3 hours per week starting 10 March 2025)

AUD764.50 each

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Earlybird Discount $100! up to 1 March  - Use code EARLYMAR25

CPTED Training Format

This online CPTED training comprising 3 hours (approx) online weekly study plus exercises for 6 weeks, undertaken at any time that suits participants. The training comprises a combination of short videos and quizzes, exercises and a real-world CPTED project. It includes access to a live weekly ZOOM Q&A with a CPTED expert to answer any questions on the study, exercises and CPTED project, plus ongoing support via CPTED forum and email.

This CPTED training is certified by the International CPTED Association via their Class A standard covering the maximum amount of CPTED competencies for application for the international Certified CPTED Practitioner and Certified CPTED Professional qualifications.

The course covers the CPTED basics including 10 CPTED strategies, CPTED audits, crime risk assessments and CPTED process according to ISO:22341:2021. The course aligns with International CPTED Association (ICA) Record Book Unit Competencies and successful completion of the course provides ICA Class A certification of CPTED training enabling participants to apply directly to the ICA for international certification as a CPTED Practitioner or Professional.

New material and updates in this year's CPTED training:

  • Real-world practical CPTED project undertaken in small teams.
  • New findings about lighting for crime prevention
  • New section on working in multi-disciplinary teams
  • New information on using green spaces to reduce crime
  • Choosing the best social CPTED methods of crime prevention
  • New findings CPTED and urban planning
  • Updated section on calculating return on investment of CPTED
  • Addressing new crime types


An International CPTED Association Class-A Certificate of CPTED Training  (with individual's name) is awarded on satisfactory course completion. 

For those who wish to qualify as international CPTED Practitioners or CPTED Professionals via the ICA, the Class-A certification from this CPTED training provides evidence the participant has fulfilled the necessary CPTED training component required for application for ICA international CPTED Practitioner and CPTED Professional status. It exempts applications from the need to separately acquiring the knowledge and experience and collate evidence  of the above  competencies in an ICA Record Book.


The training commences week beginning 10 March 2025 for 6 weeks to week ending 20 April 2025.


$695 excl. GST per person 

Earlybird Discount $100! up to 25 February  - Use code EARLYMAR25

Group discounts are available - contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Who this program for?

This certified professional CPTED training is intended for:

  • Community safety officers, rangers and their managers
  • Police
  • Planners (urban, statutory and strategic)
  • Architects
  • Urban designers
  • Strategic asset managers
  • Developer staff
  • Security managers and security consultants
  • Building and strata managers
  • CPTED professionals wishing to upgrade their knowledge and skills to the  ISO 22341 international CPTED standard

Learning outcomes

This course is aimed at providing professionals with the core knowledge and skills  to implement CPTED strategies in basic situations:
  • To understand the factors affecting crime and control of crime using CPTED
  • Understand and use the 10 CPTED methods (social and physical) of ISO:22341
  • To be able to conduct a CPTED crime risk assessment
  • Using social and demographic data in crime risk assessment and in designing a CPTED intervention
  • Basic plan and drawing reading
  • To conduct a CPTED audit on single-use building
  • Apply the international standard ISO:22341 CPTED process in an organisation
  • Understand the four approaches to managing anti-social behaviour
  • Understanding the basis of  working with other CPTED stakeholders
  • Costs of crime and return on investment of CPTED
  • Using social and environmental CPTED methods
  • Using standard CPTED report documents (provided free to use)
  • Prepare a basic CPTED plan for crime risk reduction 


  • Use CPTED as the most cost-effective way to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Learn to prepare crime risk assessments,  undertake CPTED basic audits, and design CPTED interventions
  • Update to the new 10 CPTED methods (Physical AND Social)
  • Learn to apply the new international ISO:22341 CPTED process
  • You can reduce crime and anti-social behaviour using CPTED methods in a variety of contexts
  • If you provide CPTED advice to members of the public, you can help them reduce crime risks in their homes, offices and lives
  • Gain the crime prevention benefits of CPTED at almost zero cost. This is why many governments require CPTED in new developments.
  • You can use CPTED to reduce your organisation's risks of litigation.

International CPTED Association Certification

The course is accredited as Class-A CPTED training under the ICA's Course Accreditation Program. All participants successfully completing this training are are confirmed as having the following competencies for application as CPTED Practitioner or CPTED Professional under the ICA's Individual CPTED Certification Program (ICCP):
  • Competency Unit 01 - Define the scope of the task
  • Competency Unit 02 - Work as part of a multidisciplinary team
  • Competency Unit 03 - Undertake research in the nominated environment
  • Competency Unit 04 - Read and interpret plans and drawings
  • Competency Unit 07 - Analyze and assess conditions
  • Competency Unit 08 - Compile written report
  • Competency Unit 09 - Assess CPTED Options
  • Competency Unit 12 - Prepare crime prevention plan

What is included?

The course includes 6 weeks of online study material, practical exercises, study questions, online ZOOM access to a CPTED expert  for 45 minutes each week for the duration of the course, access to a CPTED support forum and email access to instructors. The course also includes a standard CPTED report document that is free for commercial. government or private use.

Participants have ongoing online access to the CPTED training material and to download of their CPTED certification after course completion.

Payment options

  • Credit card
  • PayPal/Stripe
  • Purchase Order
  • Bank transfer

Purchase orders

For those in organisations wishing to register staff using a purchase order please see business details below. For organizations wishing to register multiple staff a discount of 12% is available for bookings of 10 staff and over from the same organization.

Trading Name : Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre
Company entity: Love Services Pty Ltd
ABN: 98136722962
Office: 14 Michael St, Beaconsfield, WA 6162
Postal address: PO Box 226, Quinns Rocks, WA 6030
Bank: Queensland Country Bank
BSB: 654-000
Account number: 40033027

For access to the training and the certificate we need the name and email address of each participant. information is used only for administering the course and is secured in line with the GDPR regulations.


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