The Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre helps organisations and individuals reduce the risks from crime.


Our focus is crime prevention in the real and cyber worlds. We have background in  Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) with Design Out Crime (DOC), and cyber-security with a specialism in 'whole-of-organisation' cyber-security. This latter is because research increasing shows business process is as important  as technical IT security for reducing cyber-crime risks.  We also  focus on practical ways of reducing problems involving young people in public spaces and in transport and shopping environments.


We provide the following services:

  • Training in CPTED from Basic to Advanced
  • CPTED review of planning and development applications
  • Cyber-security for business management and executives  to reduce risks from cyber-crime in office processes and when travelling
  • Business process analysis to reduce cyber-crime risks and improve a businesses cyber security position
  • Public lectures and presentations on CPTED and practical aspects of reducing cyber-crime risks
  • Advice and guidance on managing young people in public spaces and transport  and shopping environments
  • Research and reports relating to crime prevention, practical cyber-crime prevention and crime and anti-social behaviour involving young people
  • Development of complex systems models of crime prevention, cyber-crime and corruption protection.

Dr Terence Love (Director/Founder)

Dr Terence Love  is CEO of the Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre. He founded it as the Design Out Crime Research Centre in 2005. Terence has over 20 years experience in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Designing Out Crime. He has undertaken CPTED reviews of developments up to the largest scale of malls, hotels and conference centres to  community institutes and residences. Terence is an active and entertaining speaker and CPTED  trainer, developing targeted CPTED and Design Out Crime courses, programs, crime prevention documentation for a wide variety of government and organisational clients and as an contributor to ABC and radio stations. Terence is also an active researcher with over 120 publications, with research clients including the Federal Attorney General, Police and Office of Crime Prevention, Edith Cowan University, Curtin Unversity. Terence is  a professional public speaker on practical crime prevention,  security, privacy and cyber-security issues speaking to audiences of up to 2500 people. In parallel, Terence wears a cyber-security/IT hat having longstanding experience relating to cyber-security and securing complex systems and business processes - including a stint as Chair of the WA Government - Universities Joint Committee on eBusiness, and as Manager of the Working for e-Business (WeB) Research Centre (now the Australian Cyber-Security Cooperative Research Centre).

Dr Paul Cozens (Associate Director)

Dr Paul Cozens is an environmental criminologist and expert in crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). He is an internationally accredited Advanced CPTED Practitioner with a doctoral qualification in crime and design. He has written a large number of research publications on using CPTED in real-world situations, including a widely respected book Think Crime: Using Evidence, Theory and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design for Planning Safer Cities. Paul has worked as a consultant on major infrastructure developments in the UK and Australia and provided policy advise to the Western Australian (WA) State government. In this role, he helped develop the Designing Out Crime Strategy, the Designing Out Crime Planning Guidelines and managed a range of practical CPTED projects delivered to the community. Paul is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Planning and Geography at Curtin University in Perth (WA).

Dr Trudi Cooper (Associate Director)

Dr Trudi Cooper is a highly-experienced research program leader and adviser who has led successful programs aimed at reducing youth crime and anti-social behaviour for government agencies, the police and the Federal Attorney General. Trudi has strong expertise in identifying and providing straightforward easy to read guidance on addressing crime and anti-social behaviour issues relating to young people. She has over 30 years experience and  an international reputation for her expertise in working with young people and training professionals to work with young people. In addition, she has a specialism and experience in developing robust effective inter-agency collaboration arrangements. Currently, Trudi is an Associate Professor in Youth Work at Edith Cowan University and an Australian OLT Research Fellow.