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DOC-Gram for Crime Prevention and Community Safety

DOC-Gram for Crime Prevention and Community Safety

DOC-Gram Newsletter

New Directions in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), Design Out Crime and cyber-CPTED

Dear ,


Welcome to the Doc-Gram Newsletter - with great information on Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Designing Out Crime plus cyber-CPTED (CPTED + cyber-security).


Please forward DOC-Gram to colleagues who may be interested.



1.  Weather, Global Warming, Crime and CPTED


2.  Book now! Community Safety Officer Training in CPTED 2-day certified CPTED training in Perth 10-11 March.


3.  Willetton Sports Precinct - excellent CPTED


4.  New CPTED resources coming soon!



Weather, Global Warming, Crime and CPTED

Weather is a situational aspect of crime.


Addressing the situational consequences of weather on crime is part of CPTED.


Changes in weather affect crime rates and crime risks - both locally and over wider areas.


For example, violent crime rates increase with temperature increases and burglary rates fall when the weather is bad (i.e. cold, raining, stormy, windy).


People change their routine behaviors depending on weather. Weather also has an effect on peoples emotions and tolerance - particularly heat. Weather affects people's rates of alcohol and drug consumption with subsequent changes in crime. In some locations, weather affects people's wages and economic needs and that drives crime also.


Weather 'shocks'  (different weather than normal for the season) result in changes to crime rates - both immediately and following the weather shocks.


Evidence indicates,


Crime is typically displaced over time and/or place by weather shocks.


In other words, if burglary is too difficult today becasue of weather or other shocks (including 'hot spot' policing), then it can be displaced to another place or another time and add to the crime rates then or there.


Findings are similar across Australia, China, Korea, India, New Zealand, South Africa, US and UK.


There are also contradictions - e.g. homicide rates in some places are independent of temperature.


Understanding the effects of weather on crime enables the design of better CPTED outcomes.


Example: CPTED advice on ia 2nd repeat burglary at a cafe during a long ongoing summmer heatwave will likely be different from advice for if the offence was in the middle of a characteristically cool winter. (CPTED advice for summer would be to make protective changes immediately to avoid another repeat burglary. In contrast, in winter cooler weather, the risks of a 3rd repeat burglary would be lower and offer more time to make changes.)


In the longer term, crime rates for many crime types are predicted to rise proportionally each year as a result of global warming and climate change.


For global warming, it is better to invest now in reducing crime, to reduce proportional increases in crime in later years. 


See our new article on LinkedIn on Weather, Global Warming, Crime and CPTED.

Book now! Community Safety Officer Training in CPTED 10th-11th Mar. Perth, Western Australia


Venue: Function Centre, Technology Park, Bentley, WA (free parking).

Intended participants: Community Safety Officers and Managers, Rangers, Security.

Date: 10-11 March 2020

Cost: $695

Included: Workbook - Certificate - and refreshments.


Book now - here!

This  practical 2-day CPTED training for Community Safety Officers is informative, practical and fun - the best way to learn!



1. CPTED is  the most cost-effective way  to reduce crime and  anti-social behaviour in Community Safety
2. Provide CPTED advice to members of the public.

3. Design CPTED solutions to reduce crime

4. Undertake crime risk assessments and CPTED audits
4. Create crime prevention benefits of CPTED at almost zero cost.

The training covers:

    Using CPTED in Community Safety contexts
    Threats, Risks and Vulnerabilities
    Use 12 CPTED principles to reduce crime
    Crime Risk Assessments to save cost
    Working with members of the public
    Undertaking CPTED building and site audits
    Using targeted CPTED
    Reduce repeat victimisation
    Use CCTV in CPTED
    Managing anti-social behaviour
    Reducing fear of crime
    Practical real world CPTED team exercise (desktop and/or site)
    Practical CPTED planning


Training is by presentations,small group exercises, group discussions and a practical exercise.


The course includes a workbook, certificate, refreshments.


An individualised  CPTED Training Certificate is awarded to those who complete the course.


Book Now - here!



Excellent CPTED at Willeton Sports Precinct

Willetton Sports Precinct in Western Australia uses CPTED effectively in many ways to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.


The sports precinct is large and includes many first-class facilities.


Three examples of excellent  CPTED stand out:


*   The decision to move a skatepark to a better location (in CPTED terms) within the precinct to provide better natural surveillance and disrupt unlepful routine behaviours. This is accompanied by pedestrianisation changes to external roads to create a large pedestrian precinct integrated with a shopping mall.


* The use of multi-level and multi-intensity lighting for different scenarios. On the same pole are high-level high-intensity floodlights and independently operated low -level variable-intensity motion-triggered lighting. This is especially effective on the central 'spine' route linking different parts of the precinct.


*  The use of 'transparent' fencing to provide extensive natural surveillance and control routine pedestrian movements. This transparent fencing is complemented by opaque walls blocking views of potential crime opportunities in secured private areas.


New free CPTED resources coming soon!‍

Alongside our CPTED training and CPTED review work, we undertake a lot of CPTED research.


Each project results in a collection of useful CPTED and crime prevention information on that topic.


We have decided to make these collections available on the Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre website.


It requires adding some new software to the website. Hopefully, collections (including one on weather, global warming, crime and CPTED) will be available before the next DOC-Gram.


Contact us

Contact us for CPTED Training‍. CPTED reviews or anything to do with CPTED, crime prevention, security and reducing anti-social behaviour.


Dr Terence Love
CEO, Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre
+61 (0)434975848